Meo Cloud
RoleLead designer at
ResponsibilitiesLead Designer · UX Designer
ToolsAdobe illustrator · Adobe Prhotoshop · Sketch · Git
ResourcesDjango CMS · Bootstrap

MEO Cloud was a virtual drive, Dropbox-like competitor for the local market.
It had similar functionalities like all virtual drives (dropbox, one drive, google drive, etc.) with local sync for macOS, Windows, and Linux. Mobile Clients for IOs, Android, and Windows Mobile. The version that was unique to MEO Cloud was an IPTV app.
I was the lead designer from the beginning. I was in charge of everything related to the user that goes from experience, functionalities, and visuals.

The experience

When I got to start on this project, I was finishing another service for the MEO broadcast brand. It was in a group of services that believed to give value to the simple TV + internet subscription.
For us, at SAPO, it was the natural way to create a product. We saw the trend, we believe we could do it, and we got the resources to do it. The Team was one of the best I've ever worked with, only with them could be possible to build this.
My role at the start was research, a lot of it. Most of us use these services but have no idea how hard it is to deal with people's files and small things that happen.
The other side was to communicate how this kind of service works to a mutch broad audience that does not have a lot of digital skills. This service had primetime attention at the time.
The result was pretty good, we made service as good or better than dropbox, with some features that no one ha at the time like a password on links, upload to a folder, or a TV client.
When I left SAPO, we had more than 1M new files daily, 365K users, and more than 635TB of space. Please have in mind that the MEO Cloud was launched only in Portugal, and we have a population of 10M.
The website might be where I end up spending less time, and that's why it kept a straightforward approach.
The blue degrade with a "cloud" transition to white background was my template to go.
The primary communication was made in the commercial site, and my focus was on the product itself.

Web App
The web app was the asset that I spend more time on the whole project. The style guide that influenced all the other apps was made for the web app, back in 2012. Now it's a bit outdated, but it made perfect sense at the time.
The black background in the navigation, the white background on the file list, and the icons on light blue would set the base color scheme.
I coded the HTML and CSS for the web app and was my first project mobile-first. Full responsive was something that most web products did not have in 2012.

This is the one app that had a re-design and was designed by Hugo França under my creative direction.
Because it's the has the latest update, 2014, got a bit refined on the overall look & feel.

For the Android, I choose to go as native as possible and apply some MEO Cloud feel no the icons and some colors.

Windows Mobile
For windows mobile, I use the same principle as Android, pure and respect the OS best practices on UX/UI.

IPTV was a good challenge. We had to make something because of the MEO IPTV ecosystem.
The main focus was images, music, and videos, using a big screen and a remote to navigate doesn't leave much more functionalities. We made a lot of text interfaces and simulated different navigation options and to be fair. It was a lot of fun to have the opportunity to design this application.